Looking to promote your participation and increase your reach?
Send us content about your company, such as product launches, innovative solutions, projects, case studies, and success stories to include in ongoing show marketing campaigns.
How to submit your content?
Using the online submission form on this page, you can directly submit your content to the Light + Intelligent Building Middle East team. Should you require any further information or assistance, please kindly contact us on lightandbuild@uae.messefrankfurt.com
Content submission form
As part of our marketing activities, we broadcast e-newsletters to our database, publish news on our social media profiles and issue press releases for media coverage which create awareness about our show and exhibitors in advance. Filling out the above would help us promote your company and products to our visitors. Space in our e-newsletter / press release/ social media is subject to availability. We will try to accommodate your content where possible; however we are unable to guarantee presence due to each platform having limited space available. The sooner you provide us with your company news, the higher the chance for press/editorial coverage.